Get FAST WordPress Support
World’s Fastest WordPress Support Since 2009  

What really makes our infection removal unique is the…

Included security Monitoring

We not only clean all traces of the infection but we secure and monitor your site 24/7 for any future attacks and react as needed.

⭐ security monitoring will be included for one year from service completion

What really makes our infection removal unique is the…

Included security Monitoring

We not only clean all traces of the infection but we secure and monitor your site 24/7 for any future attacks and react as needed.

⭐ security monitoring will be included for one year from service completion

Please Select Your Infection Removal Option Below
One Website
Multiple Websites
FREE Website Scan
One Infected WordPress Website
$137/ one timeFOR ONE WEBSITE
  • Infection Removal For One Website
  • Same Day Fast Infection Removal
  • 100% Infection Removal Guarantee
  • Files & Database Security Audit
  • Blacklist Removal if Needed
  • Security Enhancement Actions
  • Full Infection Removal Report

  • ⭐ Items below included for one year ⭐
  • 24/7 Website Security Monitoring
  • Daily Website Software Updates
  • Monthly Software Update Report
  • Monthly Security Snapshot Report
  • Website Downtime Monitoring
  • Repeat Cleanups Included
Multiple Infected WordPress Websites
  • Infection Removal For 2+ Websites
  • Same Day Fast Infection Removal
  • 100% Infection Removal Guarantee
  • Files & Database Security Audit
  • Blacklist Removal if Needed
  • Security Enhancement Actions
  • Full Infection Removal Report

  • ⭐ Items below included for one year ⭐
  • 24/7 Website Security Monitoring
  • Daily Website Software Updates
  • Monthly Software Update Report
  • Monthly Security Snapshot Report
  • Website Downtime Monitoring
  • Repeat Cleanups Included
QUICK Website File and Database Scan
  • Not sure if your website is infected or not?
    Do a quick scan to let you know for sure.

    Run a FREE scan of your site to identify infections
Powered by ARPrice
Infection Removal Guarantee

We want you to feel comfortable about this service

While the thought of your website being infected seems like an overwhelming task to accomplish, this is something that we are very familiar with.

We have been cleaning, securing and monitoring WordPress websites since 2009.

We have yet to come across a website that we could not identify and remove an infection from.

We guarantee that during our infection removal process we will track down every malicious piece of code within a website and remove it for good.

You will not just have to take our word for it as your Infection Specialist will provide you a detailed report and proof that your website is clean of any infections.

Take your WordPress website from dirty to CLEAN

We are ready to jump into to action right away to clean, secure and monitor your website

Take your WordPress website from dirty to CLEAN

We are ready to jump into to action right away to clean, secure and monitor your website

What we do so you do not have to

Deep and thorough files and database scan

Most companies will do an overall scan of your website but misses many files and mostly the data in the database. This is NOT GOOD.

To truly identify every present website infection, we do a very detailed scan of every file and data point related to your website.

That is what we do here. Scan DEEP and Scan THOROUGH!

True isolation and delete of infections

Most companies will simply find infected files and then quarantine them into a folder on your server. THIS IS VERY BAD!!!

Why keep those harmful file on your server and give them a chance to come back to life?

We will isolate infections firstly to review and ensure that they are in fact an infection and once verified we will delete them forever and leave no trace what so ever in your site environment.

Update all site software now and each day

One of the most common ways a website gets infected is because the software updates are not completed. This is a massive vulnerability that hackers look for to get access to your website.

We will ensure that all of your software stays updated on a daily basis to give you a much stronger level of security overall.

Daily update runs for WordPress core, plugins and themes
Daily database updates when needed after software updates
Daily translation updates when needed after software updates

Our Site Update Difference

Most companies will complete your software updates once a month. We will monitor updates every day and complete them daily.

automated updates will be included for one year from service completion

We will know first if your site goes down

Behind the scenes every 5 minutes, we will send a simple HTTP request to get an HTTP Header response from your site.

If your website doesn’t return Status Code 200 (OK), we will be notified immediately and jump into action to correct it.

downtime monitoring will be included for one year from service completion

We will monitor for all security issues

Our security specialist will give you the highest level of security on your site so you can avoid future attacks.

This is performed using our Guard Dog Security Monitoring service which is a $12/month service that is included at no additional cost when you purchase an infection removal.

Below are the security options included:

24/7 Website Security Monitoring
Site Health Scanner
Move the Login Page
Limit Login Attempts
Homemade Captcha (not Google)
Force a Correct Username and Password
Forbid the Listing of Accounts
Lock Sensitive WordPress Settings
Add Security Constants in wp-config.php
Securing WordPress Security Keys
Lightweight and Powerful Anti Spam
Anti Usurpation in Comments
Hide PHP Versioning
Forbid the Display of Directory Listing
Forbid Access to WordPress Core Files
Forbid 404 Errors on .php Files
Block Bad Robots (Black Hole)
Block Visits From Bad User-agents
Block XML-RPC Protocol
Block Bad Search Engine Bots
Block Visits With Bad Query Methods
Block Visits With Bad Content (BBQ)
Double Factor Authentication (2FA)
Powerful Malware File Scanner
Detection of Known Vulnerable Plugins
Detection of Known Vulnerable Themes
Banning IP Addresses
Block Countries by IP Geo-location
Block Visits From Bad Referrers
Anti Hot-linking
Anti 404 Guessing
Control of Account Sessions
Passwords Lifespan Settings
Forbid the Creation of Accounts
Protection of the Uploads Folder
Monthly Site Health Report in PDF Format
Guard Dog Security Dashboard

security monitoring will be included for one year from service completion

Detailed reporting keeping you informed

Monthly care report on all updates completed
Monthly snapshot on WordPress and PHP version
Monthly security monitoring reporting

these reports will be included for one year from service completion

Detailed Infection Removal & Security Report

We will send you a full report of all the removal and security tasks that were completed

This video will answer most of your questions

Service Details

Lets look below how this service works





Complete your speedy checkout for infection removal

After service selection you will complete your safe and secure checkout.

Send in your site details to our support department

Once you have completed your order, you will be sent to a page to enter the information on the WordPress website that you wish us to speed up.

This information is then immediately sent to our support department and a support ticket is created and accessible inside of your customer support portal.

Your support ticket will be assigned to an Infection Specialist so the work can begin.

We clean, secure and monitor your WordPress website!

You will love the results we deliver making your website load fast to every visitor everywhere.

Our Happy Customers

Customers are at the heart of our business and we love to help with WordPress sites. We have a saying here that “We do not fix WordPress sites, WE CHANGE LIVES!